Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Debt Consolidation Loan

Debt Consolidation of Different Loans

Debt consolidation refers to the restructuring of a large number of unsecured debts into one low monthly payment, while eliminating interest and reducing the total amount owed to creditors. Debt consolidation has become popular with people as they cope with increasing amounts of credit card debt, home mortgage loans, car loans, and student loans, along with low credit ratings and threatening phone calls from creditors. Debt consolidation is seen as the last option before declaring bankruptcy.

It often takes consumers a lifetime to get out of debt to credit card companies, because of the interest rates charged by the companies. Consumers often think they can pay off their credit card debts by paying the minimum amount they owe on a card, but they can remain in debt for the next 30 years while paying off this amount each month.

Many people, faced by their poor credit situation, are forced to declare bankruptcy, which adversely affects their credit rating for the next ten years, or to take another loan to pay off the money they owe. However, if you are already in debt, you do not need another loan—you need a debt management plan and some credit counseling.

We at the Debt Consolidation and Debt Reduction Service do just that. Our debt consolidation program can reduce your debt by 40 percent, and have you out of debt in three years instead of twelve. We can consolidate your debts into one low monthly payment, eliminate interest payments, penalties, and late fees, and rebuild poor credit. Unlike most other debt consolidation companies, we are not owned by a credit card company—our priority is getting you out of debt quickly and keeping you out of debt thereafter.

We can also help you deal with your creditors, by negotiating with them and seeing to it that they follow the provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This Act stipulates that they cannot call you on Sundays, or at work, if you have requested them not to do so. They can only call you between 8:00 in the morning and 9:00 in the evening, according to your time zone.

We can provide credit counseling by helping you prepare a budget, so you know where and how you spend your earnings. The first thing we do when you join our debt management program is to stop you from using your credit cards. By the time you successfully complete our debt consolidation program, you are not only free of debt but also more financially knowledgeable and capable of avoiding debt traps.

If you owe $5,000 or more in unsecured debts, to pay off credit card loans, medical bills, store and gas cards, student loans, back taxes, and utility bills, please get in touch with us and let us help you. We can get in touch with you within 24 to 48 hours, and help you get out of debt fast.

Jonathan Pike

Debt Consolidation Loan

For More Debt Consolidation Information Debt Consolidation Information

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Pike

Painless Strategies Of Paying Off A Student Loan

Graduation day is over; degree in hand, the chilling reality of your student loan is looming large. You do not start repaying you loan until 6 months after graduation. When loan repayment begins, you have to pay at least $50 a month until your entire student loan and interest is paid off.

It makes sense to repay the loan amount early, so that you trim the interest, which will continue building on your loan. Financial planners recommend that you pay the minimum balance on your student loan and try to save as much as you can for retirement. In any given month, you can opt to pay off more than your monthly requirement without penalty.

There are mainly four options of repayment which you can choose from. If you land up with a good job once out of college, and can afford to make steep monthly payments, go with the standard payment schedule. Under this option, you can pay off your debt within 10 years with the best interest rate. It’s the quickest way to pay off your loans. However, it requires high monthly payments.

Graduated payment is an option if you expect to make a modest but steadily increasing wage. The payment requirements will start off gentle, and will gradually increase every couple of years for the next 10 to 30 years.

If you're in a commission-based or seasonal business, your income will vary accordingly. In this case, your monthly payment bill will be proportional to the amount you are currently making. You get a levy of get up to 15 years to pay it all off your student loan.

With a long-term payment option you'll be allowed to pay the least possible amount per month for 10 to 30 years. That however means that in 30 years you may have paid double the original amount of your loan. You have the flexibility of choosing to switch from one payment option to another, depending on your financial status.

However, if you find that you simply can't keep making monthly payments, no matter how small, you can choose to defer your loans. This means that for an amount of time that's negotiated between you and your lender, you won't pay any amount towards the loan. Interest, however, will continue to accrue, unless your loan subsidized.

Everyone is not qualified for loan deferment, unless you can prove that you are trapped in financial difficulty. Unlike deferment, forbearance gives you a shorter three-month break from your loan repayment. Your however may not grant you forbearance, unless he finds your request reasonable.

Student loan consolidation is another well-trodden path chosen by graduates each year. It allows you to put together your separate student loans into one big loan. This is a saviour when you can’t afford to shell out a large sum each month.

Debt consolidation will bundle your student loans into one, with a single loan amount which will be much lesser than paying multiple loans. Some also choose consolidation because it's easier to keep track of the bill.

For more information on student loan consolidation feel free to browse our online debt consolidation blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darnell_Scott

Is Student Loan Consolidation Good?

Consolidating your student loan(s) is one of the smartest things that you can do. You should consider a student consolidation loan if you have several federal student loans or even just one large one.

Student consolidation loans will have fixed interest rates which are similar to those of the loans that are being consolidated. The amount that you can save through consolidation can be up to 58%.

Federal Stafford loans, Federal Direct Loans, Federal Perkins Loans as well as many others can be consolidated. Most of the time, they already have low rates.


- You will have a single loan payment which is often lower than what you currently pay.

- It is easy to set up.

- It will help lower your debt burden.

- You can secure the lowest interest rate at the time.

- It can help you qualify for new or renewed deferments.

What To Consider

When you consolidate, make sure that the interest rate that you are offered is lower than your current rate. You want to pay off your student debt easier and maybe quicker too.

While consolidation can simplify the loan repayment process and lower your monthly payment, in the long run it usually increases the total amount that you will have to pay.

Student loan consolidation provides lower monthly payments by allowing you to spread the loan over 30 years in some cases. You are paying more payments, so be sure to compare the total cost of repaying your unconsolidated loans with the cost of repaying them through the consolidation loan.

The process of consolidating is very flexible. Consolidation is available from before you graduate down through years of repayment.

First, you need to gather information about your current loan. You need to know the balances and the interest rates, the names and addresses of companies and the names and addresses of personal references. The National Student Loan Data System can help provide you with the information that you need since it holds the most complete and accurate information for federal loans.

Paying Them Back

You will have 2 options to pay these loans back.

1. Pay a standard amount each month. This will include principle and interest. This is the lowest cost of interest paid way to go.

2. Or a graduated repayment. Here you start with lower payments that are only interest, but then they will keep increasing.

Usually repayment of your consolidation loans will begin in 60 days and will take from 10 to 30 years to fully pay back.

There are some questions that you should ask the lender before going forward.

- is there a rate reduction, for example for making your payments online or on time?

- does the loan meet your specific needs?

- is that the best interest rate available?

To get a student loan consolidation, you can still be enrolled in school or graduated. Either way, you'll find many lending options that will fit your needs.

Visit Consolidate loan for more. Ron King is a researcher, writer, and web developer, visit Articles for authors. Copyright 2006 Ron King.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ron_King

Learning Why Student Loan Debt Consolidation Is So Important

These days it has never been more important to get a quality education, but unfortunately the costs of such a quality education have been rising far faster than the rate of overall inflation.

It seems that there are fewer and fewer students who can get through four or five years of college without some sort of financial aid, and that means that student loan debt consolidation is more important than ever before.

Exploring All Of The Options Available

When looking at student loan debt consolidation options it is important to explore all of the options available, and to make sure you are getting the best deal.

There are a number of different programs available for a variety of different students and it is important to take advantage of all programs for which you qualify.

Getting Details From Your Financial Aid Officer

One good place to start the search for the perfect student loan debt consolidation loan is the financial aid office at your school.

The financial aid officer at the college or university you are attending or have attended should have complete information on the various types of student loan debt consolidation programs, as well as some tips for saving money when consolidating those student loans.

Striking A Balance Between The Length Of The Loan And The Monthly Payments

When it comes to student loan debt consolidation it is important to try to strike the right balance between the length of the loan and an affordable monthly payment.

The length of a student loan debt consolidation can vary quite a bit, from only a few years in length to student loan debt consolidation loans stretching out for decades.

While a longer loan term will generally result in a lower monthly student loan debt consolidation loan payment, many students will be uncomfortable stretching out payments for that long.

It is important of course to get an affordable monthly payment on the student loan debt consolidation loan you choose, but it can be just as important to get that student loan debt consolidation loan paid off and out of your life.

Shaunta Pleasant is a professional writer and editor on debt consolidation topics. Visit my site to learn more about planning the perfect wedding at http://www.debt-consolidation-help-services.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shaunta_Pleasant